Dealing with Stress

Dealing with stress is a part of life. So it makes sense to have some easy strategies to help us when we are dealing with difficult situations like bullying.

It does not matter if your child is the bully or the target it still causes stress.  We want the best for our kids and bullying is not what we want as part of our children's lives.  

However, we sometimes forget that taking care of ourselves can be one of the best ways to be there for them. 

The added bonus of finding positive ways to deal with stress is if you model good stress management your child will learn too.

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 dealing with stress caused by Bullying

We generally start feeling stressed when we think the situation is out of our control or beyond our understanding. You may experience stress under all kinds of circumstances at work and in your relationships that trigger the stress response.

So it makes sense to reduce your stress related to your childs' involvement with bullying by making your self aware and improving your understanding:  

Arming yourself with just the minimum of knowledge can help you reduce your stress. The bullying  is not out of control and there are solutions and many supports you can take advantage of to help you create an action plan to deal with the bullying and help your child.

However, as you work to change your understanding and get more knowledgeable about bullying your body may continue to  experience all the fight or flight responses that can make it challenging to wrap your brain around everything.

More help with Stress

Bullying is not the only stressor we have in our lives. Just because one of our children is being bullied does not mean the rest of our lives stop. It is just one more worry on the pile.

You may or may not realize you are stressed. (Take this short quiz) Some of us are so good at stuffing our feelings and we don't recognize them until it has caused some serious consequences.

In order to be able to cope and effectively model dealing with stress we need:

Luckily as your coach through this ordeal I have put together some information and some great stress busters that will help you not only survive the bullying in your child's life but thrive.

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More suggested reading:

Parenting Advice

More  about stress 

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